Thomas Letchworth Sothoron

Through father’s will of 1799 received father’s dwelling (part of Two Friends; & part of Sothoron Discovery, 113 acres, where John Sothoron dwelt), chattel, livestock, personalty. Was executor of will. See father’s Notes for full excerpt.

Thomas Letchworth Sothoron, Nathaniel Segar & Zachariah Sothoron of Levin of Charles Co. bound for £5,000, for Thomas L. Sothoron as executor of Levin Sothoron late of Charles Co. (Proc & Bonds Orphans Court :24, 1799.11.18)


Zachariah Sothoron

Aged 19 years November 1799


guardian of 

Bond 12 Aug 1800


Levin Sothoron Jr.

Henry Anderson & Thomas L. Sothoron sureties

(Guardian Docket :32, 1800.04)

Thomas Sothoron executor of Levin Sothoron late of Charles Co. dec'd, pleads for a list of newspapers in which he is to serve notice to creditors. Maryland Gazette & the paper of Zundt & Brown named. (Proc & Bonds Orphans Court :80, 1800.06.11)

Thomas Sothron executor for Levin Sothron, ordered to pass a final account by next April term. (Proc & Bonds Orphans Court :270, 1801.08)

** Census schedule - Trinity Parish, Charles Co., MD

1800 Federal Census (1800.08.04) - Thomas L. Sothoron - pg 76

Free white males 16 - 25...2
females 16 - 25...2

** Land records - Charles Co., Maryland

Zachariah Sothoron, Henry Anderson & Thomas L. Sothoron bound for £1,000, for services of Zachariah Sothoron as guardian to Levin Sothoron of Charles Co. in matters of the orphan's property. (Proc & Bonds Orphans Court :139, 1800.08.12)

Recorded at request of Walter McPherson on 2 January 1801. Indenture of 8 Oct 1800 between Thomas Letchworth Sothoron & Walter McPherson, both of Charles Co., MD. For £375 Sothoron conveys property called Two Friends & part of Sothoron's Discovery, totaling 113 acres & lying where John Sothoron dwelt & lands which Levin Sothoron devised to Thomas. Also conveys Lott No. 2. Beginning at end of second line of Lot No. 3 & running thence N 49° E 166 perches to intersect 6th line of Gates Range, thence with said land S 81 3/4° E 46 perches to end of second line of Lott No. 1, then with said Lot S 33° W 104 perches, then S 34° E 76 [perches] to intersection dividing line of Levin Sothoron's 125 acres, then S 17° W 76 perches to given line of Two Friends, then with given line S 46 1/2° W 42 perches to dividing line of Thomas Goods part of Two Friends, then with said line to beginning, containing about 158 acres & 3 roods. Signed by Thomas L. Sothoron, witnessed by Wm. H. McPherson & Saml. Chapman. Certified same date. (Charles Co., MD Land Records IB#3:337)

Recorded at request of Thomas L. Sothoron on 2 July 1799. Indenture of 25 May 1799 between Elizabeth Briscoe of Charles Co. & Thomas Letchworth Sothoron of same county. For £170 Briscoe conveys property called Two Friends & part of Sothoron's Discovery. Begins at end of 2nd line of Lot No. 3 & runs N 49° E 166 perches to intersect the 6th line of Gates Range, therewith S 81 3/4° (?) 46 perches to end of second line of Lot No. 1, therewith S 33° W 140 perches, then S 34° E 76 perches to a road, therewith said road S 55° E 60 perches to intersect dividing line of Levin Sothoron 125 acres, then S 17° W 76 perches to line of Thomas Good's part of Two Friends, then to beginning, containing about 158 acres 3 roods. Signed by Elizabeth Briscoe, witnessed by Alexr. McPherson & Henry A. Smith. Certified same date. (Charles Co., MD Land Records IB#3:31)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. Thomas Letchworth Sothoron of Charles Co. sells to Walter McPherson of Charles Co., for £375, Two Friends plus part of Sothoron's discovery, 113 acres in all, being the place where John Sothoron dwelt and lands Levin Sothoron devised to Thomas L. Sothoron. Also sold was tract called Lott number two, abutting Lott number three, Gates Range, and the part of Two Friends owned by Thomas Goodspart, 158 acres & 3 roods in all. Witness: Wm. McPherson, Samuel Chapman. (IB#3:333, 1800.10.08, Recorded 1801.01.02)

At request of buyer, deed recorded. Thomas Letchworth Sothoron & Gerald Briscoe, both of Charles Co., sell to Robert Ferguson Charles Co. as well as on behalf of Alexander Henderson, Robert Ferguson, John Gibson, joint partners in trade under the name of Henderson, Ferguson & Gibson. For £1269.12.5 due under joint bond with Richard Sothoron Briscoe dated 14 Nov 1797, sell black slaves: 21 year old Jack, 6 year old George, 40 year old Sarah, 10 year old Rachell and future increase of Sarah & Rachell. Witness: James Freeman. (IB#5:50, 1801.10.14, Recorded 1801.10.22)

Thomas L. Sothoron & Levin Sothoron of Charles Co. sell to Anthony Rowe of Prince George's Co one 12 year old Negro girl named Deborah for $200. (Prince George's Co., MD Land Records JRM#9:402, 1802.10.15, Recorded 1802.11.29)

Indenture of 13 Oct 1802 between Walter McPherson & Thomas L. Sothoron, both of Charles Co., MD. For £375 McPherson conveys parcels called Two Friends & part of Sothoron's Discovery containing in the whole 113 acres, being the place where John Sothoron dwelt, & lands which Levin Sothoron devised to said Thomas L. Sothoron. Also another tract called Lot No. 2, beginning at end of 2nd line of Lot No. 3, running N 49° E 166 perches to intersect with 6th line of Gates Range, then with said land S 81 3/4° E 46 perches to end of 2nd line of Lot No. 1, then with said lot S 33° W 104 (?140) perches, S 34° E 76 perches to a road, then with road S 55° E 60 perches to intersect dividing line of Levin Sothoron's 125 acres, then S 17° W 76 perches to given line of said Two Friends, then with said line S 46 1/2° W 42 perches to dividing line of Thomas Good's part of Two Friends, then with said dividing line to beginning., containing about 158 acres & 3 roods. Signed by Walter McPherson, witnessed by Gerrard Briscoe & Richd. S. Briscoe. Certified 13 Oct 1802, recording date not recorded. (Charles Co., MD Land Records IB#5:283)

** Insolvency - Maryland

An Act was passed for the relief of sundry Insolvent Debtors. Among those who had petitioned for relief were John J. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co., and Thomas L. & Zachariah Sothoron of Charles Co. In addition to various documentation, each petitioner was to give up all possessions except clothing & bedding of himself & his family. (Arch MD 192:279 {JG#4:308}, 1803.01.08)

Petition of Thomas L. Sothoron for relief under an Act of Assembly entitled "an Act for the Relief of Sundry Insolvent Debtors". Lived in Maryland all his life, except for the past 4 months in Washington Co., DC; now in the custody of the Sheriff of Charles Co.; pleads release and process for insolvency.

- Schedule of assets & liabilities of Thomas L. Sothoron, dated 10 March 1803. Assets include 1/24 part of improved lot in Benedict Town, Charles Co; one old Stein; several pieces of houseware. Creditors include John Forbes £150; Henderson, Ferguson & Gibson £600; Gerrard Briscoe £30; Dr. Charles Smoot £15; total of approx. £2,500.

- Bond of Nathaniel Seager of Washington Co., D.C. for £500 as trustee for insolvent debtor Thomas L. Sothoron.

- Deed dated 15 September 1803 from Thomas L. Sothoron to Nathaniel Seager for all his holdings and assets.

- Clippings of notices in Maryland Gazette, regarding insolvency of John Johnson, Thomas L. & Zachariah Sothoron. Dates of publication not noted.

- List of additional assets of Thomas L. Sothoron, dated 21 February 1804. Includes part of Two Friends, 125 acres; and part of Gates Range. (Chancery Papers 4465E, Charles Co.)

Indenture between Thomas L. Sothoron of Charles Co. & Nathaniel Seager of Charles Co.. Reference to 4 Oct 1803 appointment of Seager as trustee in former's application for relief under Act of Insolvency. All properties, debts & credits transferred to Seager. (Prov Court Deeds 32{JG#6}:550, Charles Co., 1803.10.19, Recorded 1803.10.20)

Received from Mr. Charles Smoot this date & ordered by the Court to be recorded as final settlement, receipts from the representatives of John Sothoron to his administratrix De Bonis Non. Cites letter from Thomas L. Sothoron dated 3 September 1803, noting monies due as executor of the estate of his father, Levin Sothoron, from a deal made in Mr. John Forbes' store. Other letters from other heirs certifying receipt of monies & properties due:

- Elizabeth Briscoe, dated 3 September 1803.

- Benjamin Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803.

- John Johnson Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803.

- Mary Anderson, dated 23 November 1803. (Proc Orphans Court :76, Charles Co., 1803.12.13)

In action of Ferguson et al vs John J. Sothoron et al of 1805, as assignees of Gashavik & Thomas L. Sothoron, had considerable claim against JJS, receiving judgment against him in 1812. See Notes of JJS for full excerpt.

** Will - Charles Co., MD

Will of Thomas L. Sothoron, presently in Charles Co. but a resident of Prince George's Co.. Sick of body, leaves to his wife Mary Sothoron all real & personal property owned now and hereafter, including any rights in the estate of Walter McPherson late of Charles Co.. Witness: Gerrard Briscoe, Samuel McPherson, Francis Speake. No executor named. (Wills AL#12:392, 1804.12.28, Proved 1807.02.03)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.